Italian 621, Il Settecento (Part 1) offers a survey of early eighteenth-century (pre-Enlightenment) Italian literature (1690-1750) and examines the development of specific literary genres in the contexts of cultural and intellectual history. The course provides …
Italian Courses
Italian 659: Dante's Divina Commedia
Italian/Medieval 659, Dante’s Divina Commedia. We will discuss the most salient episodes from the Commedia in an attempt to understand Dante’s theological, political, and historical thought. In order to establish the conception and development of Dante’s ideas, the …
Italian 460: Italian Cinema
Italian/Com Arts 460, Italian Cinema is a 3-credit course conducted in English. This course offers a general survey of Italian film and of the relationship between film and the other arts. There will be consideration …
Italian 322: Introduction to Italian Literature II
Italian 322, Introduction to Italian Literature II is a 3-credit course intended to provide a chronological survey of Italian literature from the seventeenth centure to the present. The course, which is a continuation of Italian …
Italian 312: Advanced Composition & Conversation
Italian 312, Advanced Composition & Conversation is a 3-credit course conducted in Italian that develops composition skills related to expository and other forms of writing, with focus on grammatical skills, conventions, rhetorical techniques for organizing …
Italian 301: Italian for Reading Knowledge
0 0 1 118 678 Ohio University 5 1 795 14.0 Italian 301, Italian for Reading Knowledge is a 3-credit course conducted in English that provides students with reading knowledge of Italian. It is intended …
Italian 951: Seminar – The Concept of Madre Patria: from Risorgimento to the Aftermath of World War II.
The course will explore the birth and development of the notion of “madre patria” in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Italian literature. Besides relying on political and historical documents of the period, the course will discuss the …
Italian 817: Romance Philology
This course is meant to be a forum for discussion of issues in Communicative Language Teaching, as well as a workshop where students will be able to evaluate and develop materials and activities for the …
Italian 631: Italian Renaissance Drama
In this course graduate students will undertake close reading of the major dramatic texts (comedy, tragedy, pastoral, religious drama), of the Italian ‘500 (16th century). In addition to analyzing primary texts in their intellectual, historical, political, …
Italian 340: Structures of Italian
This course is an historical and contemporary “anatomy” of Italian, examining the sound system and its development, the morphosemantic system (gender, verbal tense, aspect and mood, marking of elements such as verbs, nouns and adjectives). …