Undergraduate Declaration or Cancellation Ugrad - Declare or Cancel a French or Italian Major or Certificate Please complete the following form to declare or cancel a French or Italian Major or Certificate. (*) indicates a required field. "*" indicates required fields Name* First Last Today's Date* Month Day Year Wisc.edu email address* Term and Year you plan to graduate (ex: spring 2027). If unsure, just provide an estimated guess.* Please indicate your college or school.* College of Letters and Science College of Agricultural and Life Sciences College of Engineering Wisconsin School of Business School of Education School of Human Ecology School of Nursing School of Pharmacy Are you pursuing a B.A. or B.S?*B.A. (Bachelor of Arts)B.S. (Bachelor of Science)Not sure or thinking of switching.Declare or Cancel?* Declare Cancel Major or Certificate?* Major Certificate French or Italian?* French Italian What is the last course you completed in French or Italian?* Have you or are you planning on studying abroad?* Yes No In order to declare a French or Italian / Major or Certificate, you must read the requirements outlined in the Guide (see link below).*The GUIDE, French & Italian ProgramsYes, I have read the requirements and understand what is expected.I have questions and will make an appointment with Mandi Schoville (maschoville@wisc.edu). I understand that my request will not be processed until this meeting.No, I am requesting a cancellation.By submitting this form, I give my consent for the specified action to be taken on my behalf. I also understand that the submission of this form does not automatically declare or cancel the major or certificate, that it can take up to one week for the request to be processed, and that I will be notified once processed. Finally, I understand that if I have any questions, I should contact Mandi Schoville (maschoville@wisc.edu), Undergraduate Program Manager and Advisor in the Department of French & Italian or contact my own academic advisor.* I agree to these statements.Comments (if necessary) Untitled First Choice Second Choice Third Choice NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.