

The Department of French & Italian is committed to providing full funding to all graduate students. Students who accept our offer of admission therefore receive fellowships or assistantships that cover tuition and provide eligibility to enroll in excellent comprehensive health insurance and other benefits. Funding for Fall 2025 and beyond is projected to be guaranteed for a minimum of 5 years of study for students entering with a B.A., and a minimum of 4 years for those entering with an M.A. Moreover, it has been our departmental practice to continue to offer funding beyond guarantee as possible for students in good academic standing.

Teaching assistantships, the most common form of support in our department, offer the pedagogical experience and training necessary to be competitive on the academic job market. The teaching assignment is usually one course per semester, but double sections (two sections of the same course) can also be requested for an increased stipend, when available. While the guarantee of support means students in good standing will receive funding, the exact assignments are based on need, merit, and experience. Generally, a graduate student will, over the course of study, hold a variety of the following positions, which are available every semester:

Fall and Spring Teaching Assignments Stipend per semester (2024-25)
French or Italian 101, 102, 203 or 204                                         (50% appointment) $13,262.50
Head TA                                                                                             (50% appointment) $13,262.50
French or Italian 101, 102, 203 or 204 – Two sections            (75% appointment) $19,893.75
Head TA – Two sections                                                                 (75% appointment) $19,893.75
Summer Teaching Assignments Stipend for Summer 2024
French 101 or 102 (4-week session)                                            (62% appointment) $4,054
Italian 201 (8-week session)                                                        (50% appointment) $5,884

Dissertators may also have the opportunity to teach more advanced courses, such as French 228, French 271, Italian 311 and Italian 322 depending on departmental need. Note that all stipend amounts described here are approximate for Fall 2024 and that they typically increase each year. It should also be noted that international students are not eligible to teach double sections at this time due to visa restrictions; they are, however, eligible for all other teaching assignments listed above.

There are also fellowships available from several sources on campus each year, including the Chancellor’s fellowship, which starts at over $13,253 per semester. Advanced Opportunity Fellowships are also available to increase the racial and ethnic diversity of the graduate student population, as well as support economically disadvantaged and first generation college students. The department also offers a number of monetary awards every year, for academic performance and for teaching. Graduate students can also take advantage of our excellent exchange programs during the course of their study.