section 1, Menechella (FIGS section) “Food Cultures of Italy”section 2, Livorni (meets with Comparative Literature 466, section 2) “Italian Futurism” Course does NOT count toward the Italian Major. Section 1: Food Cultures of Italy …
Italian Courses
Italian 350: Rome: The Changing Shape of the Eternal City
Rome: The City and the Mythis a 3-credit course conducted in English. This course considers the continuing presence of Rome, the “Eternal City” as both a metaphoric and actual focal point of Italian artistic and …
Italian 321: Introduction to Italian Literature
3-credit course conducted in Italian. The course is intended to provide a chronological survey of Italian literature from its beginnings through the Renaissance. Readings, lectures, and class discussion will focus on the various texts within …
Italian 311: Advanced Italian Language
Development of accurate and nuanced capacity for expression in Italian and for understanding the spoken and written language. The course will also address Italian phonetics and phonology to develop accurate pronunciation. Prerequisite: Italian 204 or …
Italian 255: Literature in Translation 255 – Boccaccio's Decameron-The Human Comedy
This course, based on Giovanni Boccaccio’s Decameron, investigates art, pop culture, music, politics, religion, interpersonal and transcultural relations, warfare, fashion, gender roles, and everyday life of our medieval and early modern ancestors through a variety of …
Italian 230: Modern Italian Culture
3-credit course conducted in Italian. It is a survey of Italian history, literature, cinema, art, politics, and general culture from the Risorgimento to the present. Prerequisites: Italian 204 or consent of instructor, Professor Grazia Menechella …
Italian 204: Fourth semester Italian
This course (4 credits) is designed for students who have successfully completed Italian 203. It will advance spoken and written language skills developed in previous courses through a variety of oral and written exercises. The …
Italian 203: Third Semester Italian
This 4-credit course is designed for students who have successfully completed Italian 102 or 201. The goal of this course is to provide an in-depth understanding of contemporary Italian language and culture through authentic materials. …
Italian 201: Italian for Speakers of Romance Languages
This 4-credit course is designed for students with little or no knowledge of the Italian language, but who have a strong background in another Romance language (i.e. Spanish, French, Rumanian, Portuguese, Catalan, etc.). Italian 201 …
Italian 181: First semester Italian honors
This 4-credit course is designed for students with little or no knowledge of the Italian language. In most cases, the honors section has the same syllabus and the same program as Italian 101 (for your …