Course does NOT count toward the Italian Major.
Section 1: Food Cultures of Italy in the Mediterranean Contextis a 3-credit course conducted in English. It focuses on the history of Italian food cultures from the end of the 19th-century to the present. Readings include fiction, cookbooks, and history. It does not count towards the Italian major. This is a FIG course open to freshman only. Professor Grazia Menechella (gmeneche@wisc.edu)
Section 2: LT 410, Italian Futurism is a 3-credit course conducted in English. The course focuses on one of the most important avant-garde movements of the early twentieth century, which will be studied in all its main aspects (literature, figurative and abstract arts, cinema and music) and in relation to other forms of avant-garde. Readings include not solely the manifestos written for the several fields, but also the literary and artistic works by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, founder of the movement, and his fellow Futurists. This course meets with Comparative Literature 466. Professor Ernesto Livorni (elivorni@wisc.edu)