Italian 731, ‘L’armi, l’amore, e le arti ‘: Ariosto and the Renaissance Epic. This course will examine Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso (1532) as an example of an Italian Renaissance epic, which quickly achieved the status of …
Italian Courses
Italian 410: (LitTrans) Food Cultures of Italy in the Mediterranean Context
Tue, Thu 11:00-12:15pmThis 3-credit course is conducted in English. It focuses on the history of Italian food cultures from the end of the nineteenth century to the present. Readings include fiction, cookbooks, and history. It …
Italian 260: (LitTrans) Italy and the Invention of America
Tue, Thu 1:00-2:15pmThis 3-credit course will explore the central role played by Italy in the Western European vision of the Americas from Columbus’ voyages to World War II. Students will have the opportunity to deepen …
Italian 254: (LitTrans) Literature of Modern Italy
Tue, Thu 11:00-12:15pmThis 3-credit course will offer a general introduction to the modern Italian novel (in translation) in philosophical, artistic, and historical context. Students will be introduced to several of the most significant literary authors …
Italian 460: Italian Cinema
Tue, Thu 2:30-3:45pmThis 3-credit course is conducted in English. This course offers a general survey of Italian film and of the relationship between film and the other arts. There will be consideration of film theory …
Italian 429: Introduction to Romance Languages
Tue, Thu 2:30-3:45pmThis 3-credit course is conducted in English. This course is an introduction to structural similarities and differences in major Romance languages (French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish) and to their historical developments, with reference to …
Italian 321: Introduction to Italian Literature
Tue, Thu 9:30-10:45amThis 3-credit course is conducted in Italian. The course is intended to provide a chronological survey of Italian literature from its beginnings through the Renaissance. Readings, lectures, and class discussion will focus on …
Italian 230: Modern Italian Culture
Tue, Thu 1:00-2:15pmThis 3-credit course is conducted in Italian. It is a survey of Italian history, literature, cinema, art, politics, and general culture from the Risorgimento to the present. Prerequisites: Italian 204 or consent of …
Italian 311: Advanced Italian Lanugage
MWF 11:00-11:50amThis 3-credit course is conducted in Italian. It focuses on the development of accurate and nuanced capacity for expression in Italian and for understanding the spoken and written language. The course will also address …
Italian 410: Literature in Translation – Special Topics in Italian Literature
Course does NOT count toward the Italian Major. Food Cultures of Italy in the Mediterranean Contextis a 3-credit course conducted in English. It focuses on the history of Italian food cultures from the end …