Steve Moscarelli

Marblehead, MA

Majors and certificates


Graduation year


After graduation

After 5 glorious years at Van Hise I worked in Madrid at the Ministry of Defense of Spain. My current job has included selling IT security software and hardware in Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Mexico. My customers have been Telefonica of Argentina, Banco Santander of Brazil, Chile and Mexico, Banco Bradesco of Brazil, SkyTV of Mexico and many more.


In the 80's my parents had exchange students from Spain and France live with my brother and me in Framingham, MA. I went to the University of Alicante, Spain during the summer between high school and college.

How language enriched

With at least 25% of Americans speaking Spanish as their 1st or 2nd language, I feel fortunate to speak Spanish every day.

Favorite memory

Language classes were all much smaller than in non-language classes. Valued experiences

How language was maintained

Emailing and calling in Spanish to customers and resellers in South America keeps me in practice.

Advice for others

Language students should plan on moving abroad for a year after graduating.

Favorite word or phrase

Juerga, hasta las altas horas de la madrugada


With at least 25% of Americans speaking Spanish as their 1st or 2nd language, I speak Spanish every day.