Stefania Buccini

Credentials: PhD, Brown University

Position title: Halls-Bascom Professor of Italian


Phone: 262-9736

668 Van Hise Hall

Spring 2025 Office Hours
Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:15-1:15pm, or by appointment

Primary Language


Specialties and Areas of Research Interest

Seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Italian literature with a special focus on the Italian vision of the Americas; the literary representation of death; the rise and development of the novel; autobiography; manuscripts and antique books; history of reading.

Selected Publications

  • Lettori di sé medesimi. Autobiografia e lettura nel Settecento (forthcoming)
  • Francesco Pona.  L’ozio lecito della scrittura (2013)
  • Sentimento della morte dal Barocco al declino dei Lumi (2000)
  • Alfieri Beyonfd Italy (2005)
  • The Americas in Italian Literature and Culture:  1700-1825 (1997)
  • Il dilemma della Grande Atlantide.  Le Americhe nella letteratura italiana del Settecento e del primo Ottocento (1990)


  • Hall-Bascom Professor, 2020
  • Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor, 2018
  • Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award, 2013
  • Brenda Pfaheler, Award of Excellence, 2013
  • Carol Mason Kirk Professorship, 2004-2006
  • Vilas Associate Awardee, 2000-2001
  • National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer Stipend, 1998
  • Fellowship, Institute for Research in the Humanities, Spring 1994