Richard Goodkin
Credentials: PhD, Princeton
Position title: Professor Emeritus of French
Phone: 262-0581
640 Van Hise
Primary Language
Specialties and Areas of Research Interest
17th-century French theater; 19th and 20th-century narrative; Symbolist poetry; French film; intertextuality; Greek tragedy; psychological approaches to literature; philosophy and literature; mathematics and literature.
Teaching and research interests: Richard Goodkin has taught and done research in the areas of seventeenth-century, nineteenth-century, and twentieth-century French literature, with genre specializations in theater, poetry, narrative, and film. He has published books and articles on French and Greek tragedy, on Molière, on intertextuality in Racine and in Proust, and on French film. His current book project, How Do I Know Thee, Let Me Count the Ways: Personality in Early Modern French Comedy and Narrative, supported by a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2005, is nearing completion.
Selected Publications
- In Memory of Elaine Marks: Life Writing, Writing Death (edited volume), University of Wisconsin Press, 2007.
- Birth Marks: The Tragedy of Primogeniture in Pierre Corneille, Thomas Corneille, and Jean Racine, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000.
- Around Proust, Princeton University Press, 1991.
- The Tragic Middle: Racine, Aristotle, Euripides, University of Wisconsin Press, 1991.
- The Symbolist Home and the Tragic Home: Mallarmé and Oedipus, John Benjamins, 1984.
- Chancellors’ Distinguished Teaching Award, 2009
- Senior Fellowship, Institute for Research in the Humanities, 2009-2014
- Guggenheim Fellowship, 2006-2007
- Senior Faculty Fellowship, Yale University, 1988-1989
- Distinguished Teaching Award, Yale University, 1987
- NEH Fellowship, 1984-1985