Nelly Halzen

Credentials: PhD, French, UW-Madison, 1994

Position title: Faculty Associate

Phone: 262-9737

634 Van Hise Hall

Placeholder headshot

Primary Language


Specialties and Areas of Research Interest

French Phonetics; 19th and 20th-century French society and culture; the use of technology in teaching French as a second language.


  • UW-Madison Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) Grant, 1999.
  • Contributing author of the CD-ROM (Paroles. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Harcourt Brace.) winner of the 2000 Texas Interactive Media award, & the 1999 Gold Medal from Cinema in Industry for best use of interactive media in higher education.
  • DoIt Learning Technology and Distance Education Web Works Grant UW-Madison, 1999.
  • Carol Kirk Award, UW-Madison, Department of French and Italian, May 2000.
  • FLAS (Foreign Language and Area Studies Program) US Department of Education Summer Fellowship, Summer 2004.
  • U.W. College of Letters & Science Academic Staff Excellence Mid-Career Achievement Award, 2005.
  • University Housing Honored Instructor Award (Academic Initiatives), December 2008.