Martina Giuliano
Credentials: PhD Candidate in Italian
710 Van Hise Hall

- M.A., Italian Language and Literature, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- B.A., Sociology and Social Research, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Research Interests
Contemporary Italian literature, Postcolonial studies, Black Italy, Gender & Sexuality studies, and Food Studies
Dissertation Title
“The de-construction of the Italian Postcolonial Identity. From Colonialism to Black Italy”
Courses Taught
- First semester Italian (ITA 101)
- Second Semester Italian – including three intensive courses (ITA 102)
- Fourth Semester Italian (ITA 204)
- Machiavelli and His World (ITA 365)
- Of Demons and Angels: Dante’s Divine Comedy in Translation (LITRANS 253)
Conference Presentations
- L’amore molesto: Rediscovering Naples – A Journey Back in Time in a “Troubling” city, PAMLA, Portland, OR, October 26-29, 2023
- Voices from the Margins: Exploring Narratives of Urban Space in La Haine and Zero, 36th GAFIS Symposium, University of Wisconsin-Madison, March 31-April 1, 2023
- Food’s Culture Between Tradition and Hybridization in Amara Lakhous’ Novels, NEMLA, University of Buffalo, NY, Niagara Falls, March 23-26, 2023
- The Narration of the Urban Space of the Banlieue and Barrio in La Haine and Zero NEMLA, University of Buffalo, NY, Niagara Falls, March 23-26, 2023
- Alfred and Isabella Panzini Galpin Fund Scholarship for Teaching Excellence as a graduate student in Italian, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2022-2023
- Christopher and Margaret Kleinhenz Italian Scholarship for Service as a graduate student in Italian, UW-Madison, 2022-2023
- Christopher and Margaret Kleinhenz Italian Scholarship for Teaching Excellence as a graduate student in Italian, UW-Madison, 2020-2021
- Elizabeth Brown Memorial Scholarship for Italian Scholarship for Teaching Excellence as a graduate student in Italian, UW-Madison, 2020-2021
- George Hefke French and Italian Scholarship for Teaching Excellence as a graduate student in Italian, UW-Madison, 2019-2020
- Nomination for the Early Excellence in Teaching Campus-Wide Teaching Assistant Award, UW- Madison, October 2019
- Eunice Clark Smith Scholarship, First Year Achievement, UW-Madison 2018-2019