François Tochon

Credentials: Ph.D., Université Laval (Québec), 1990; Université d’Ottawa (Ontario), 1997

Position title: Professor Emeritus


Primary Language


Specialties and Areas of Research Interest

French education; international studies in curriculum, pedagogy and teacher education; world language education; bilingual education; research methods.

Francois Victor was born in Geneva, Switzerland, and is a Professor in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. He has a Ph.D. in Didactique du français (French Curriculum & Instruction, Université Laval) and a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology (University of Ottawa).

François Victor chaired the World Language Education area at UW-Madison from 2002 to 2007 and was awarded a 2007-2008 sabbatical study on Global Standards and Internationalizing Education. The study, supported financially by Spencer and Tübitak, the National Science and Technology Foundation of Turkey, was to research ways of helping universities internationalize teacher education as regards world languages and cultures.

In 2009, Prof. Tochon was awarded a 3-year IRIS grant from the U.S. Department of Education to research and evaluate instructional materials that take a “deep approach” to language teaching, learning, and acquisition. It is an immersive, learner-centered, technology-rich, and project-based approach designed for institutions of higher education in the U.S. and elsewhere that offer programs in language and culture, area studies, and international or global studies. The materials support the acquisition of sociocultural pragmatics, intercultural learning and understanding of situated discourse.

In earlier studies, François Victor was awarded a 2003-2007 federal grant to support Foreign Language Teaching For Bilingual Education as well as a 2001-2002 Wisconsin TEACH grant to support foreign language education. Before coming to UW-Madison, François Victor was a Professor in Canada and his research laboratory has been supported from 1991 to 2000 by numerous grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), and the Quebec Council for Social Research (CQRS).

With twenty-five books and more than hundred scientific articles and book chapters to his credit, Francois Victor has also been recognized as Visiting Professor in several universities including the University of Antilles-Guyanes, Akershus, Arizona, Free University of Brussels, Granada, Lyon 1, Paris V Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris X Nanterre, Porto, Princeton University, Reims, Yildiz Technical University, etc. He is currently published in English, French,Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, and Vietnamese.  Among his books are:  “The Deep Approach: World LanguageTeaching for Community Building” and “The Foreign Self: Truth Telling as Educational Inquiry” (Atwood); “La recherche-intervention éducative” (Educational Intervention-Research) at Quebec University Press; “L’effet de l’enseignant sur l’apprentissage en groupe” (Teacher’s Impact on Group Learning) at Presses Universitaires de France, and “Tropics of Teaching: Productivity, Warfare, and Priesthood” at University of Toronto Press. His article “The Key To Global Understanding: World Languages Education. Why Schools Need to Adapt” published in the Review of Educational Research (79/2) won the 2010 AERA Award of Best Review of Research published in 2009.

Selected Publications

  • Tochon, F. V., & Black, N. Psychosemiotic analysis of reflective conflict and equilibrium in a video study group. International Journal of Applied Semiotics, 5(1-2), 2006, pp. 219-233.
  • O Si Estranho. in João M Paraskeva, Júlio Diniz-Pereira & Gloria Ladson-Billings (Eds.), Multiculturalismo, Currículo e Formação Docent – Ideias de Wisconsin, (pp. 88-107). Lisbonne, Portugal: Didáctica Editora, 2007.
  • From Video Cases to Video Pedagogy: Video Feedback In An Educational Culture Sharing Differences. In R. Goldman, R. Pea, B. Barron & S. Derry (Eds), Video Research In The Learning Sciences. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2007.
  • Tochon, F. V., & Black, N. J. Preservice Teachers’ Struggles in Defining and Researching Pedagogically Appropriate Technology Integration. In M. A. Kassen, R. Lavine, K. Murphy-Judy and M. Peters (Eds.). CALICO Monograph Series “Preparing and developing technology-proficient L2 teachers” (pp. 295-320). San Marcos, TX: CALICO, 2007.
  • Karaman, C. A., & Tochon, F. V. International Student Teaching in World Language Education: Critical Criteria for Global Teacherhood. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 4(2-3), 2007, pp. 237-264.
  • La videoeducación como un nuevo alfabetismo. in Miguel A. Pereyra (Ed.), Los multialfabetismos en la sociedad del conocimiento, Archidona. Málaga: Ediciones Aljibe, 2007.
  • A Brief History of Video Feedback and its Role in Foreign Language Education. CALICO, 25(3), 2008.
  • Tochon, F. V. (2009). The Key To Global Understanding: World Languages Education. Why Schools Need to Adapt. Review of Educational Research. 79(2), 650-682. 2010 AERA Award of Best Review of Research published in 2009.
  • Tochon, F. V. (2009, posted in 2010). The Role of Language in Globalization: Language, Culture, Gender and Institutional Learning. International Journal of Educational Policies. Special Issue: “Trends and Struggle in Education Policies”, 3(2), 107-124.
  • Karaman, A. C., & Tochon, F. V. (2010). Worldviews, Criticisms, and the Peer Circle: Experiences of a Prospective Teacher Student Teaching Abroad. Foreign Language Annals. 43(4), 583-604.
  • Tochon, F. V. (2010). Deep Education. Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers (JETT), 1, 1-12.
  • Tochon, F. V. (2010). Los riesgos inherentes a la institutionalización de la narrativ de la experiencia profesional en los portafolios electrónicos. Profesorado: revista de curriculum y formación del profesorado, 14(3), 63-74. University of Granada, Spain.
  • Tochon, F. V. (2010). A Deep Approach to Language Multimedia and Evaluation: For a more Colorful Future. Invited Keynote Speech. Proceedings of the Fourteenth international conference of APAMALL and ROCMELIA (pp.73-92). Kaohsiung, Taiwan: National Kaohsiung Normal University.
  • Tochon, F. V., & Ökten, C. E. (2010). Motifs didactiques et représentation visuelle de la discipline: sources de transformation chez les stagiaires en formation. Transnational Curriculum Inquiry, 7(1).
  • Tochon, F. V. (2010). Portfolio électroniques et socialisation du changement en formation des maîtres. Formation et pratiques d’enseignement en questions, 11(1), June 2010.


  • Visiting Professor at the Université de Lyon and Université de Reims (2007)
  • Visiting Professor at the Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres de Martinique, French West Indies (June 2008)
  • Spencer grant on globalization, standards and electronic portfolios in language studies (200
  • Tübitak Fellowship from the National Science & Technology Foundation of Turkey (2008)
  • Title VI, U.S. Department of Education grant from the International Research and Studies program) for “A Deep Approach to Turkish Teaching and Learning” (2009-2011)

Other Interests

Francois Victor was born in Geneva, Switzerland, and is a Professor in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. He has a Ph.D. in Didactique du français (French Curriculum & Instruction, Université Laval) and a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology (University of Ottawa).

François Victor chaired the World Language Education area at UW-Madison from 2002 to 2007 and was awarded a 2007-2008 sabbatical study on Global Standards and Internationalizing Education. The study, supported financially by Spencer and Tübitak, the National Science and Technology Foundation of Turkey, was to research ways of helping universities internationalize teacher education as regards world languages and cultures.

In 2009, Prof. Tochon was awarded a 3-year IRIS grant from the U.S. Department of Education to research and evaluate instructional materials that take a “deep approach” to language teaching, learning, and acquisition. It is an immersive, learner-centered, technology-rich, and project-based approach designed for institutions of higher education in the U.S. and elsewhere that offer programs in language and culture, area studies, and international or global studies. The materials support the acquisition of sociocultural pragmatics, intercultural learning and understanding of situated discourse.

In earlier studies, François Victor was awarded a 2003-2007 federal grant to support Foreign Language Teaching For Bilingual Education as well as a 2001-2002 Wisconsin TEACH grant to support foreign language education. Before coming to UW-Madison, François Victor was a Professor in Canada and his research laboratory has been supported from 1991 to 2000 by numerous grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), and the Quebec Council for Social Research (CQRS).

With twenty-five books and more than hundred scientific articles and book chapters to his credit, Francois Victor has also been recognized as Visiting Professor in several universities including the University of Antilles-Guyanes, Akershus, Arizona, Free University of Brussels, Granada, Lyon 1, Paris V Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris X Nanterre, Porto, Princeton University, Reims, Yildiz Technical University, etc. He is currently published in English, French,Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, and Vietnamese.  Among his books are:  “The Deep Approach: World LanguageTeaching for Community Building” and “The Foreign Self: Truth Telling as Educational Inquiry” (Atwood); “La recherche-intervention éducative” (Educational Intervention-Research) at Quebec University Press; “L’effet de l’enseignant sur l’apprentissage en groupe” (Teacher’s Impact on Group Learning) at Presses Universitaires de France, and “Tropics of Teaching: Productivity, Warfare, and Priesthood” at University of Toronto Press. His article “The Key To Global Understanding: World Languages Education. Why Schools Need to Adapt” published in the Review of Educational Research (79/2) won the 2010 AERA Award of Best Review of Research published in 2009.