Florence Vatan
Credentials: PhD, University of Chicago
Position title: Professor of French
Email: fvatan@wisc.edu
Phone: 262-4075
658 Van Hise
- Fall 2024 Office Hours
- Wednesdays 10:00am-noon and by appointment; contact via email
Primary Language
Specialties and Areas of Research Interest
19th-century French fiction and poetry; literature and science (psychology, medicine, biology); literature and philosophy; 20th-century Austrian literature; European intellectual and cultural history; intellectual and cultural transfers
Selected Publications
- Robert Musil. Le “virtuose de la distance.” Paris, Belin, 2013, 272p.
- Robert Musil et la question anthropologique. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, April 2000, 281p.
Edited Volumes and Guest-Edited Journal Issues
- “Entre savoir et fantasme: le corps et ses énigmes” Arts et Savoirs. Co-edited with Anne Vila, 11, 2019 https://journals.openedition.org/aes/1695
- “L’Esprit (dé)réglé: Literature, Science, and the Life of the Mind in France, 1700-1900,” special issue of L’Esprit créateur. Co-edited with Anne Vila, 56:4, Winter 2016
- Memory and Postwar Memorials: Confronting the Violence of the Past. Co-edited with Marc Silberman. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, December 2013, 256p.
- “Flaubert et les sciences.” Revue Flaubert, n° 4 (2004) https://flaubert-v1.univ-rouen.fr/revue/revue4/index.php
- “Unterwegs mit dem ‘Fliegenpapier’: Robert Musil in Frankreich.” Musil-Forum 37 (2021/2022): 37-76
- “Présences animales: Elias Canetti et Robert Musil.” Europe 1093 (May 2020): 83-98
- “‘Cultiver son jardin’: rêves et délires de l’engrais dans Bouvard et Pécuchet.” Revue Flaubert, n° 18 (2019) https://flaubert.univ-rouen.fr/revue/article.php?id=311
- “Gustave Flaubert ou l’alambic des rêves.” Romantisme, n° 178 (2017-4): 51-62 https://www.cairn.info/revue-romantisme-2017-4-page-50.htm.
- “Esprit, bêtise, idiotie: le cas Flaubert.” “L’Esprit (dé)réglé: Literature, Science, and the Life of the Mind in France, 1700-1900.” L’Esprit créateur. Co-edited with Anne Vila 56:4 (2016) Winter: 79-91
- “Le vivant, l’informe et le dégoût: Baudelaire, Flaubert et l’art de la (dé)composition.” Flaubert. Revue critique et génétique 13 (2015) http://flaubert.revues.org/2436
- “L’Aventure de la pensée.” Revue de métaphysique et de morale 3 (2013): 331-341 https://www.cairn.info/revue-de-metaphysique-et-de-morale-2013-3-page-331.htm
- “The Lure of Disgust: Musil and Kolnai.” The Germanic Review 88 (March 2013): 28-46
Book Chapters
- “Savoir et transmission : Gustave Flaubert et Frédéric Baudry” (“Knowledge and Transmission : Gustave Flaubert and Frédéric Baudry”) in Flaubert dans son siècle (Flaubert in his Century). Eds Philippe Dufour and Gisèle Séginger, Paris, Herrmann, 2023: 239-255″Provocations littéraires: Gustave Flaubert face au monde savant” (“Literary Provocations: Gustave Flaubert in Dialogue with Contemporary Scientists”), in Flaubert et le scandale (Scandal in Flaubert’s Work), Ed. Éric Le Calvez, Roubaix, Éditions Passage(s) 2022, p. 341-364
- “Des singes et des hommes: hybridations flaubertiennes,” in Littérature française et savoirs biologiques au XIXe siècle: traduction, transmission, transposition. Eds Thomas Klinkert and Gisèle Séginger, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019: 247-264 https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110665833-017/html.
- “Au prisme des métamorphoses: Michelet, Flaubert et les insectes,” in Les Métamorphoses, entre fiction et notion. Eds Gisèle Séginger and Juliette Azoulai. Paris: Laboratoire LISAA, 2019: 189-207 https://books.openedition.org/lisaa/1093?lang=en.
- “Le Sublime et le grotesque dans Bouvard et Pécuchet,” in Le Grotesque et le sublime. Ed. Jan Miernowski. Genève: Droz, 2014: 269-295
- Senior Fellowship, Institute for Advanced Study, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, 2023-2024
- University of Wisconsin Halverson-Bascom Professorship, 2021-2024
- Vilas Associate Fellowship Award, 2017-2019
- Carol Mason Kirk Professorship, 2016-2019