Ernesto Livorni
Credentials: PhD, University of Connecticut
Position title: Professor of Italian
Phone: 262-6048
752 Van Hise Hall
- Fall 2024 Office Hours
- Mondays, noon-2pm and by appointment; contact via email
Specialties and Areas of Research Interest
Ernesto Livorni is Professor of Italian Language and Literature, Comparative Literature and Religious Studies, at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
His scholarly publications include:
Petrarch and Petrarchism(s). Co-edited with Jelena Todorovic. Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (2021).
Avanguardia e tradizione: Ezra Pound e Giuseppe Ungaretti (1998) and T. S. Eliot, Montale e la modernità dantesca (2020).
Da una distanza stellare. Scritti in onore di Giovanni Sinicropi. Edited by Ernesto Livorni (2021)
He also translated into Italian and edited Ted Hughes, Cave-Birds: Un dramma alchemico della caverna (2001). He has published articles in Italian and in English on medieval, modern and contemporary Italian literature, English and American literature, Italian-American literature, and comparative literature.
Livorni is the founding editor of L’ANELLO che non tiene: Journal of Modern Italian Literature. Livorni has also published three collections of poems: Prospettiche illusioni (1977-1983) (1987) (Illusions of Perspective), Nel libro che ti diedi. Sonetti (1985-1986) (1998) (In the Book That I Gave You. Sonnets) and L’America dei Padri (2005) (The Fathers’ America, New York: Bordighera Press, 2015). His last collection Onora il Padre e la Madre (Honor Thy Father and Mother) (Passignano sul Trasimeno (Perugia): Aguaplano – Officina del Libro, 2015) gathers new and collected poems.