Advanced course in French grammar and style, with a special focus on various critical and professional applications. For students in the Professional French Masters Program.
French Courses
French 465: French/Francophone Film
Representative French-language films will be studied from an esthetic and a cultural perspective. Choice of themes and periods studied will vary, and may range from historical surveys to a close examination of films from a …
French 429: Introduction to Romance Languages (cross-listed)
Tue, Thu 2:30-3:45pmThis 3-credit course is conducted in English. This course is an introduction to structural similarities and differences in major Romance languages (French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish) and to their historical developments, with reference to …
French 391: French for Reading Knowledge
Intensive grammar and reading for graduate students and undergraduates with little or no experience in French. Readings from appropriate texts in the humanities, sciences, social sciences. May not be counted toward L&S foreign language requirement. …
French 348: Modernity Studies
An introduction to political, social, intellectual, artistic and literary developments in French and Francophone culture, within the time period from the French Revolution to the current era.
French 347: Introduction to Medieval, Renaissance, and Early Modern Civilization
An introduction to the political, social, intellectual, artistic and literary development of French culture, from its origins to the French Revolution (1789).
French 322: Introduction to Literature of Modernity
In this course, we will explore “la modernité française” from many angles. The subtitle of the course is “crises d’identité,” because today French identity is very much in flux as it tries to redefine itself …
French 321: Introduction to Medieval, Renaissance, and Early Modern Literature
Introduction to important literary works from the medieval era to the French Revolution. Classes conducted in French.
French 313: Professional Communication and Culture in the Francophone World
Study and analysis of the culture and sociology of professional environments in the French and Francophone worlds, including government, international organizations, NGO’s and business. Students develop communication skills through interactive teaching methods in multimedia labs. …
French 312: Advanced Oral and Written Expression: Writing Across the Humanities
Develops students’ writing and oral expression at an advanced level through writing and discussion of internet journalism, translation, or creative genres. There are two (2) sections of French 312 currently scheduled for Fall 2016.