Ce cours concernera, en gros, la première moitié du 16e siècle, c’est-à-dire les temps du règne de François Ier, de l’épanouissement de « l’humanisme » et de la première Réforme. C’est une époque d’énorme diversité des genres, …
French Courses
French 626: Critical Approaches to French Literature
Ce cours obligatoire pour tout(e) étudiant(e) qui entre dans le programme de maîtrise et de doctorat en français est une initiation à la recherche dans le domaine littéraire. Le cours comportera deux volets. Premièrement, il …
French 615: Grammaire avancee
PFMP students only.
French 590: Advanced Phonetics
Advanced study of French sounds, phonetic transcription, practice in pronunciation; required of teaching majors. Prerequisite: French 228.
French 472: French/Francophone Literature and Women
littérature et exil au féminin Si la littérature de l’exil est souvent marquée par le deuil, la nostalgie et la séparation, elle est aussi source de création qui se nourrit de ses propres tensions: entre …
French 465: French/Francophone Film
History of French Cinema. This course is designed as an introduction to the history and aesthetics of French cinema from its origin to the contemporary state, with an emphasis on major works and directors. We …
French 430: Readings in Medieval and Renaissance Literature
French 391: French for Reading Knowledge
Texts: Stack, Edward M. “Reading French in the Arts and Science.” 4th edition. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; (May 2005) [required] Collins-Robert French-English Dictionary [highly recommended] Re/produced materials (grammar worksheets, articles and excerpts for translation) The goal of this course …
French 348: Modernity Studies
An introduction to political, social, intellectual, artistic and literary developments in French and Francophone culture, within the time period from the French Revolution to the current era. Prerequisite: French 271.
French 347: Medieval, Renaissance & Early Modern Civilization
This course will furnish students with the knowledge necessary to understanding the specificity of French culture, in particular, the concepts and information relative to the historic development of France from the height of the Middle …