Saturday, April 1st Registration and Breaksfast Landmark at Union South, 8:00-8:30 am Opening Remarks Prof. Vlad Dima 8:30-8:45 am Panel A: Space & Identity Industry, 9:00-10:15 am Giordana Poggiolo-Kaftan (Marquette University): Emigrants’ “Doubling” …
Month: March 2017
West Allis Central & West Allis Nathan Hale High School Visit
Delavan-Darien High School Visit
French Lit Trans 268: French Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century
Representative texts of French women writers from Marie de France, the women troubadours, and Christine de Pizan to Madame de Stael and George Sand, in historical, social, and cultural context. Taught in English.
French 947: Seminar: Questions de Littérature
French 901: Seminar-Materials and Methods of Research
Grad standing.
French 820: College Teaching of French
French 705: La Littérature Française des Débuts Jusqu'à La Fin du XIII Siècle
French 639: La Littérature Du XVIIe Siècle
Etude approfondie des grandes oeuvres du XVIIe siecle. Grad standing.
French 615: Grammaire avancée
Advanced course in French grammar and style, with a special focus on various critical and professional applications. For students in the Professional French Masters Program.