Year: 2016
Aristotle, Epieikeia, and the Novella in France
Moral Admonishment, Amorous Conflict: How to Avoid Severing the Connection
Entre le corps et l’esprit: langages et savoirs concurrents
Co-editing with Florence Vatan, “Entre le corps et l’esprit: langages et savoirs concurrents,” a special issue of Arts et savoirs (( Expected date of publication: Spring 2017.
L'Esprit (dé)réglé: Literature, Sciences de l’homme, and the Life of the Mind in France, 1700-1900
Co-edited with Florence Vatan, “L’Esprit (dé)réglé: Literature, Sciences de l’homme, and the Life of the Mind in France, 1700-1900,” a special issue of L’Esprit créateur. As we emphasize in the final note to …
Singular Beings: Passions and Pathologies of the Scholar in France, 1720-1840
Under contract with University of Pennsylvania Press.
Reedition of Samuel-Auguste Tissot, De la santé des gens de lettres
Reedition of Samuel-Auguste Tissot, De la santé des gens de lettres (under contract with Editions Classiques Garnier). Co-editor: Dr. Ronan Chalmin. Expected date of publication: Spring 2017.