French 595: Theory and Practice of French/Francophone Drama: The Dramatic Monologue

In FR595 we will study and perform the dramatic monologue as it has evolved in French Theatre since the 17th century. The play, which will be a combination of monologues written by French authors and by students of the class, will be performed in April for the entire UW campus and environs (including students of French from area high schools and colleges). The class will begin with a theoretical study of mise en scène (staging) and an analysis of the monologue. In the second part of the class, we will move from theory to praxis as we create the performance. This is a four-credit course and students should expect to rehearse nights and some weekends as the performance approaches.  This course will be conducted entirely in French.  Pre requesite: FR321 or FR321 or by consent of the instructor