Ugo Brisolese
Credentials: PhD Candidate in Italian
714 Van Hise Hall
- Fall 2024 Office Hours
- Mondays 12:30-2:30 and by appointment; please, contact via e-mail
- ABD in Italian, University of Wisconsin-Madison (current)
- M.A. in Italian, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Summer 2018)
- B.A. in Classics, Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy (2014)
Research Interests
My research interests reside in Modern and Contemporary Italian literature. While I keep my focus on the narrative and the Sicilian novel, considering other writers from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century, I also engage in aspects of interdisciplinarity. In particular, I work on the relationship that literature elaborates with other disciplines, especially cinema and art history. This approach allows me to keep an eclectic glance on the material studied, and to enrich cultural understanding of the topic under scrutiny.
Dissertation Title
Il romanzo storico sul Risorgimento in Sicilia: De Roberto, Pirandello, Tomasi di Lampedusa, Consolo e Camilleri
Courses Taught
- Italian 101
- Italian 102
- Italian 203
- Italian 204
- Italian 312
- Italian 365-Discussions
- Folklore 100
Conference Presentations
- 2022, November 17th-20th, Minneapolis, MN, 2022 MMLA Convention: “Post-Now”, Constructing Literary and Real-World Histories, “The Oscillating Getaway, From Jail to Escape: An Awareness Journey among Social and Cultural Spaces in Balestrini’s Sandokan”
- 2022, November 11th-13th, Jacksonville, FL, SAMLA 94, Transformation and the Bildungsroman, “Balestrini’s Sandokan: An Awareness Process within a Mafia Environment”
- 2022, November 5th, Syracuse, NY, Romance Languages Colloquium, Italian Literature and Linguistics, “Pirandello’s I vecchi e i giovani: An Unsuccessful Generational Dialectic”
- Graduate Student Conference Travel Support Spring 2023 – Scholarship granted by the Department of French and Italian at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
- SRGC (Student Research Grants Competition) Award Fall 2022 – Scholarship for Conference Presentations
- Alfred and Isabella Panzini Galpin Fund Scholarship 2018-2019 – Scholarship for Teaching Excellence as a Graduate Student in Italian
- Christopher and Margaret Kleinhenz Italian Scholarship and Eunice Clark Smith Scholarship 2017-2018 – Scholarship for Academic Achievement as a Graduate Student in Italian
- Chancellor’s Graduate School Fellowship Spring 2023 – Fellowship provided by the Graduate School, part of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison