Metycia Bengmo
Credentials: PhD Candidate in French
716 Van Hise Hall
- Fall 2024 Office Hours
- Tuesdays 1pm-2pm and Wednesdays 3:15pm-4:15pm, or by appointment
- M.A., University of Cincinnati, Ohio
- B.A., University of Dschang, Cameroon
Research Interests
20th/21st century literature, Francophone Cinema.
Dissertation Title
Transformation of the immigrant female Body and transformation of literary and film corpus in relations to others (final title in progress)
Courses Taught
- French 101
- French 102
- French 203
- African Storyteller 210
Conference Presentations
- 2019 MMLA Convention CFPs: L’Espace des immigrés et le regard de l’Autre dans Le Ventre de L’Atlantique de Fatou
- 2018 Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association (PCACA) : Migrating to Europe: Borders, and Margins