Anthony Radoiu

Credentials: PhD Candidate in French


618 Van Hise Hall


  • Université Paris-Sorbonne IV: Maîtrise (M.A.) French Language and Linguistics (2014)
  • Virginia Tech: B.A. International Studies, B.A. French (2011)

Research Interests

Medieval and Early Modern literature, lyric poetry, and history with a focus on the French, English, and Italian contexts, narratives of imprisonment and prison literature across history, and the relationship between confinement and literary creation.

Dissertation Title

“The French Poetic Experience of Imprisonment (1400-1900): Realizations of Confinement, Visions of Liberty”

Courses Taught

  • First-Semester French (FR 101), University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • Second-Semester French (FR 102), University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • Third-Semester French (FR 203), University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • French and Italian Renaissance Literature in Translation (LIT TRANS 360), University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • Intermediate French (FR 2), Pasadena City College.
  • French Cinema (FR 50), Pasadena City College.

Conference Presentations

  • Il avait mangé le lard et la chair toute crue: The Forced or Unforced Guilty Conscience as Source of Inspiration in Fifteenth and Sixteenth-Century French Prison Poetry.” Panel: “Living with(in) Shame.” Presented at the 2018 GAFIS Symposium “Shame.” University of Wisconsin-Madison; April 6, 2019.
  • “The Stones They Inhabit: Prison Cell Surroundings as a New Corporeality From the Middle Ages to the 19th Century.” Panel: “Making and Breaking Barriers.” Presented at the 2018 GAFIS Symposium “Skin.” University of Wisconsin-Madison; April 7, 2018. “Medieval and Early Modern Poetic Experiences of Captivity: Realities of Confinement, Visions of Liberty.” Presented at the Department of French and Italian Research Seminar Series. University of Wisconsin-Madison; April 26, 2017.
  • “The Multi-Sensorial Imagery of Metaphors for Ageing in Charles d’Orléans’s Later Poetry (1430-1465).” Panel: “Crossing the Threshold: Genre, Geography and Age.” Presented at the 1st Annual Symposium of the Graduate Early Modern Student Society (GEMSS). “Early Modern Amalgams.” University of Wisconsin-Madison; April 21, 2017.
  • “Confinement, Liberty, and Growing Old: Tracing the Nuances of Charles d’Orléans’s Poetry.” Panel: “A Turning Point in Life.” Presented at the 2017 GAFIS Symposium “Turning Point(s).” University of Wisconsin-Madison; April 1, 2017. “Learning French in Medieval England: French Teaching Manuals of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries.” Panel: “The Multi-lingual Fifteenth Century: Alain Chartier, Christine de Pizan, Charles d’Orléans, et autres (A Roundtable).” Presented at the 51st International Conference on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University. Kalamazoo, Michigan; May 12, 2016.
  • Mélancholie and Enfer: Charles d’Orléans, Clément Marot, and the poetic experience of exile and prison.” Panel: “Early Modern Hazards: Toxicity, Resistance & Exile.” Presented at the 2016 GAFIS (Graduate Association of French and Italian Students) Symposium. “Hazardous Materials.” University of Wisconsin-Madison; April 9, 2016.


  • “Autobiographical Perspective and Allegorical Conceptualization in Charles d’Orléans’s Poetry of Confinement and Captivity.” Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval & Renaissance Studies 51 (2020): 29-67.