Graduate Student Publications & Presentations



Graduate Student Publications


Bellinzani, Debora. “La tecnica dell’apprendimento in movimento per l’insegnamento dell’italiano L2 a bambini. Uno studio di caso,” Italiano LinguaDue, Vol. 8, N. 2, 2016. 


Cornette, Carla. Book Review in Annali d’Italianistica (forthcoming Winter 2017): Rizzo, Gianluca and Michael Hackett, eds. with Brittany Asaro. Five Comedies: Carlo Goldoni. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016. 


Forzley, Sarah. “Silence and movement in Malika Mokeddem’s L’Interdite.” Chimères, University of Kansas, December 2016.


Martina, Alessandro.  “La crisi dell’italiano nelle università americane: che fare?”  La Voce di New York, February 2017.


Sermet, Tessa


“Blaise Cendrars e o modernismo brasileiro: a (re)descoberta do Brasil”. Spanish & Portuguese Review, forthcoming 2017.


“Transparence utopique et scientifique: La Nuit des Temps de René Barjavel”. Chimères, Vol. XXXII. University of Kansas, 2015.


Thomas, Jeffrey


“Flaubert aux arènes” in Flaubert voyageur, Les Classiques Garnier : Paris, ed. E. Le Calvez, forthcoming 2017 


23 entries, Dictionnaire Gustave Flaubert, Les Classiques Garnier : Paris, dir. E. Le Calvez, forthcoming 2017. (Corpus L’Education sentimentale and Madame Bovary)


“Dans le jardin de Flaubert”, Revue Flaubert 18/9, dirs. S.Dord-Crouslé et E. Le Calvez, forthcoming August 2017.  


Yocco-Locascio, Caitlin. “Trash that Connects: The Everyday Rhizome of Cédric Klapisch’s Paris.” Sustainability and the City: Urban Poetics and Politics. Rowan & Littlefield Publishers’ Lexington Books Division. Forthcoming Spring 2017.




Graduate Student Presentations 


Annelli, Carlo. November 2016: FRIT Research Seminar, Co-Presenter, “Learn Local, Live Global? Exploring a University’s Alumni and Global Connections”


Cornette, Carla


April 2017: American Association of Italian Studies, Ohio State University

Paper: “Losing Faith in Science: The Evolution of Luigi Capuana’s Conceptualization of Female Hysteria, from Giacinta to Profumo


April 2015: Northeast Modern Language Association, “Annihilating the Raped Body in Igiaba Scego’s Oltre Babilonia, A Cultural Depression Analysis”


March 2015: Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, “Counter History in Igiaba Scego’s Oltre Babilonia


Fretschel, Andrzej


June 2017: “Contagion: a Girardian response to Jan T. Gross’s ‘Neighbors,'” Sixth World Congress on Polish Studies. Polska Akademia Umiejętności, Kraków.


May 2016: Haiti: Beyond Commemorations and Boundaries, University of Chicago, “The Black Poles of Haiti: A Legacy of Resolute Ethnic Pride”


November 2016: MMLA René Girard Panel, “L’anti-héroïsme: la rivalité mimétique dans Les Bonnes et Haute Surveillance de Jean Genet”


Mattoci, Samantha. November 2016: FRIT Research Seminar, “Boccaccio the Scribe: the Case of MS Laurenziano Pluteo 29.8”


Morgan, Jennifer. September 2016: FRIT Research Seminar, “Music of Mortality: The Use of Percussion Instruments in Danse Macabre Texts”


Radoiu, Anthony


April 2016: GAFIS Symposium “Hazardous Materials,” University of Wisconsin-Madison

Panel : Early Modern Hazards: Toxicity, Resistance & Exile

Paper : “Mélancholie and Enfer: Charles d’Orléans, Clément Marot, and the poetic experience of exile and prison”


May 2016: 51st International Conference on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University

Panel : The Multi-lingual Fifteenth Century: Alain Chartier, Christine de Pizan, Charles d’Orléans, et autres (A Roundtable)

Paper : “Learning French in Medieval England: French Teaching Manuals of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries”


Sawicka, Jarmila


April 2017, International Colloquium for 20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies at IU-Bloomington, “Sheets of Sound: Composing Jazz Novels”


MMLA 2016, “Jazz Bodies: Identity and Marginalization”


Schaer, Caitlin. September 2016: FRIT Research Seminar, “How to Explain a Supernatural Illness: The Case of Tarantism in Southern Italy”


– Surovi, Lauren


MLA 2017 “The Madonna and the Whore: Pasolini’s Portrayal of Women and Sexuality in Mamma Roma and Teorema” 


MMLA 2016, “A Sublime Virtu: Translating History, Power, and the Human in Machiavelli’s Principe” 


October 2016: FRIT Research Seminar, “A Sublime Virtu: Translating History, Power, and the Human in Machiavelli’s Principe” 


Thomas, Jeffrey


December 2016 : Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Études Littéraires d’Aix-Marseille, Transpositions

Panel : “La Terre et la mer : nouvelles approches géocritiques méditerranéennes”  

Paper : “La Corse de Marc Biancarelli”


October 2016 : Nineteenth Century French Studies Association Annual Conference

Panel : Flaubert et l’agriculture

Paper : “Se promener à la chandelle : étude du deuxième chapitre de Bouvard et Pécuchet


October 2015 : 30th Annual Institute for the Humanities Conference, “Travel”, U. of W. Georgia

Panel : Flaubert voyageur

Paper : “Flaubert en Provence”

October 2015 : FRIT Research Seminar, “Flaubert à Nîmes”


Wistrom, Eric. October 2016: FRIT Research Seminar, “Border States of Luminary Allegory and (Counter-)Exemplarity in Theophile de Viau’s Theophilus in carcere”


– Yocco-Locascio, Caitlin. November 2016: FRIT Research Seminar, Co-Presenter, “Learn Local, Live Global? Exploring a University’s Alumni and Global Connections”