New Publication from Associate Professor Nevine El Nossery: “Egypt in focus: creativity in adversarial contexts”

Nevine El Nossery (associate professor in the Department of French & Italian) co-edited a special issue with Shereen Abouelnaga of the Journal of the African Literature Association (JALA): “Egypt in focus: creativity in adversarial contexts“. The issue is available online and soon in print, and you can read it here:

Contrary to most scholarship on the Egyptian Revolution where concepts of resistance, agency, and subjectivity formation have become the norm, this special volume explores the discontents of the Revolution vis-à-vis art. The twelve contributions assembled in this issue underline the significance of art in reflecting the socio-political nightmarish scene and as an effective way of resisting and grappling with a harsh reality. In this sense, the revolution continues.

Read the full article at: