Month: September 2014
French 640: La Litterature Du XVIIe Siecle
In this course we will read most of the works on the seventeenth-century M.A. Reading List, focusing on the second half of the century. Readings will include plays by Corneille, Racine, and Molière, Lafayette’s La …
French 630: L'esthétique de l'intensité au 18e siècle (philosophie, théâtre, beaux arts)
The eighteenth century saw the emergence both of new literary genres, like the drame bourgeois, and of a new aesthetics that placed a premium on sensory experience and intense, subjective response to art. This course …
French 626: Critical Approaches to French Literature
Ce cours obligatoire pour tout(e) étudiant(e) qui entre dans le programme de maîtrise et de doctorat en français est une initation à la recherche dans le domaine littéraire. Le cours comportera deux volets. Premièrement, il …
French 391: French for Reading Knowledge
Texts: Sandberg and Tatham, French for Reading (Prentice-Hall, 1968) [required] Collins-Robert French-English Dictionary [highly recommended] Photocopied materials (grammar worksheets, articles and excerpts for translation) The goal of this course is to give students with no …
French 939: La Litterature Medievale
Ecrire l’Orient au Moyen Âge Rêvé, fantasmé même, contemplé, voire subi, l’Orient hante la littérature médiévale française. Peu de genres littéraires ont échappé à cette fascination générale de l’Occident vernaculaire pour les merveilles d’un Levant …
French 826: Cours de Grammaire et de Style
Cours obligatoire pour les étudiants débutant dans le programme (voir exemptions possibles dans la section « Academic Requirements, M.A. program). Approfondissement de la grammaire française ; raffinement du style ; enrichissement du lexique. Le travail …
French 821: Issues & Methods of Teaching French and Italian – Using Digital Video for the World Lang Classroom
This course is specifically designed to theorize practice through teaching strategies such as video feedback, video conferencing, video mails; in addition to shared reflection and/or creation of small language learning videos. It is intended to …
French 665: Introduction aux etudes francophones
French 637: Littérature française du XIXe
If this nineteenth centenary did not invent the French short story, it reinvented it. Besides noted masters of the genre like Mérimée or Maupassant, whose names are today synonymous with the French short story, we …